It’s Friday evening and I head round to my mates to watch a
movie. They order pizza for dinner, and
the beers have already been cracked open.
Hmm, simple carbs, starch, melted cheese and saturated fat. The little goodness my pizza does offer, in
the way of 4 thin slices of green pepper and olives, has been grilled to a
crisp and soaked in melted cheese.
Everybody digs into their pizza with great gusto and I wonder if I’m the
only person in the room thinking these thoughts.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a treat like pizza, fish ‘n chips
and Ben & Jerry’s every now and again, but the point is that it is a treat, and when I have it I am
conscious of the little good it’s doing my body. It’s not even about keeping trim, although
that does play a part, but mostly about giving my body the right things it
needs to keep it healthy and happy.
I recently read a book called “Foods That Fight Cancer”, and
besides teaching me about the way in which some foods, or the particular
molecules and substances in the foods, can actually help to prevent or halt the
progression of certain cancers, it enlightened me as to the value of good
food. When we’re kids we were told “eat
your carrots, they help you to see in the dark”, but as adults we almost seem
to have forgotten those lessons, or think they don’t apply to us anymore. There is a lot of focus on vitamins and
minerals, and so many of us take substitute pills for these and feel that we’ve
ticked all the right boxes. But there is
so much more that fruit and vegetables provide that a pill cannot.
My new mindset is along the eastern attitude to eating which
is that you eat for health, opposed to the western approach of eating purely
for pleasure and fuel. This doesn’t mean
that I don’t have the occasional naughty McDs or a fat slice of chocolate cake,
but I’ve changed my diet to include so many more vegetables and fruit, complex
carbs (e.g. brown rice, quinoa, and sweet potato) and good fats (e.g. nuts,
olive oil, avocado).
An Olympic athlete takes their diet seriously, they ensure
that before, during and after a training session they are giving their body
everything it needs to recover, adapt and be ready for the next training
session. However the general mentalities
of climbers tends to be quite the opposite – push your body to great limits,
but eat whatever you can get your chalky hands on. We expect so much from our bodies, and
complain volubly when things go wrong, but we don’t think about giving back to
our bodies!
It often comes down to education and advertising, for
instance the belief that a bowl of pasta is a healthy meal. Sorry to be a bubble burster, but unfortunately the pasta we buy in the
supermarket today contains little in the way of health – it’s predominantly
made up of refined white flour that contains almost no dietary goodness; it’s
high GI, which results in a steep rise in insulin with the ultimate effect of
increased fat storage. A much better
alternative would be brown rice, or if you really love your pasta then at least
get brown pasta.
The main point I’m making is that considering how much we
push and demand performance from our bodies, it’s worth making the effort to
ensure that you’re putting the right things back in!
So on that note, here’s an awesome banana loaf recipe that
I’ve come up with, taking bits from a number of different recipes and changing
the ingredients to suit what I wanted.
It’s mostly made of bananas, got no added fat or sugar, but to give it
that little something special I add dark chocolate chips (60% cocoa). It’s super easy to make, and I have a number
of friends who can vouch for its extreme deliciousness!
6 medium / 5 large bananas
2 eggs
2 cups wholemeal flour
1 ½ teaspoon bicarb of soda
- 2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
½ cup raisins
¼ cup dark chocolate chips
Mash the bananas. Add
the rest of the ingredients and mix it up.
Grease your banana loaf dish and pour the mixture in. Bake at 160° Celsius for 80 minutes.
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